About the Friday Quiz

Friday Quizzes are designed to last a weekend. On Friday evening your tired brain scans an impossible set of questions that wipe away that horrible week you have just had. After mulling it over in your sleep you use spare Saturday time to tackle the two or three questions that you can get to grips with. By Sunday you have identified the link and can mop up remaining questions confident that the week ahead will hold no terrors for someone capable of taking a firm grasp on a Friday Quiz.

At least that’s the plan!

It’s up to you how you deal with the quiz – alone or with friends; simple brain power or Google assisted; as they are published or later that week, month, or year. Friday Quizzes come without published answers so you can tackle them unspoiled, anytime.

Help is available. Use the comments system to ask for hints, confirmation that you are on the right lines, or to confirm that your answer is correct. Comments will be published with answers removed so as not to spoil the quiz for others.

Each quiz will consist of multiple questions each of which can be answered on its own – but all the answers in a quiz form a group of some kind. Finding the group is an additional question and its answer will usually be a clear pointer towards the answers to the questions that are too difficult to solve on their own.

Best of luck – Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “About the Friday Quiz

  1. Justin

    These are hard. A chunk of my Saturday is gone. I have learned quite a bit. And still I have no idea.

    What ever happened to your other games? The Finnybank email doesn’t work. I wish I could find out more about Four Square.

    1. Fred Post author

      The quizzes are meant to be for the weekend! Let me know if you want a hint …

      As for the Four Square game – which link isn’t working?

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