Category Archives: C to D

C to D

Identify and explain:

1. A Dutchman born 1733 was the first. He was educated at the Theresianum, an elite Jesuit school. He was an ambassador and librarian who introduced card catalogues..

2. A prince born 1761 was the second. Like 1 he was a Freemason and described by X as “one of my most loyal friends and promoters of my art” – loyal at the rate of 600 florins per annum.

3. NOT. Of Italian ancestry he was number one from 1799 to 1815.

4. A Silesian who paid 1000 florins for this and an advance of 200 for the next – but that was for another.

5 & 6. Another prince – this time of Bohemia – who was also first with number 3.

7. A banker who went bankrupt having been the richest in the country. Married first to a princess and second to Fanny coin Berg, a dancer.

8. No one – but might it secretively been a lover, an Immortal Beloved?

9. A London Society formed in 1813.